
Over the course of the project we organised and/or contributed to a number of research and training events.

Research events

Working with large amounts of qualitative data, TLU Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Life-course Studies, University of Tallinn (Online), 20 April 2021. Rosalind Edwards and Susie Weller.

The breadth and depth method of secondary qualitative research analysis, EU QUALIDEM seminar, 20 January 2020, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Rosalind Edwards and Lynn Jamieson.

What is … big qualitative data? Methods Seminar, 20 November 2019. Research Methods Training Centre, University of Edinburgh. Emma Davidson and Lynn Jamieson.

Big qual: researching and teaching large volumes of secondary qualitative data with ‘breadth and depth method, NCRM Panel Session, 4th World Conference on Qualitative Research, 16-18 October 2019, Lusófona University of Porto, Portugal. Lynn Jamieson.

Big data, qualitative style: a breadth-and-depth approach for working with large amounts of secondary qualitative data, 10 June 2019, Methodological Innovations Conference, University of Manchester. Lynn Jamieson – with Emma Davidson and Susie Weller.

Big data, qualitative style, 13 February 2019, Love data week, University of Southampton. Rosalind Edwards.

Big data, qualitative style: a breadth-and-depth method for working with large amounts of secondary qualitative data, 17-19 October 2018, NCRM panel session on ‘Innovations in Qualitative Methods and Topics’, 3rd World Conference on Qualitative Research, Lisbon, Portugal. Rosalind Edwards and Lynn Jamieson.

Breadth-and-depth method of working with ‘big qualitative data’, 4 July 2018, NCRM Research Methods Festival, University of Bath, UK. Emma Davidson, Rosalind Edwards, Lynn Jamieson and Susie Weller.

Computational text analysis using R and ‘big qual’ data, 30 November 2017, Edinburgh Q-Step Centre, University of Edinburgh, UK. Emma Davidson and Lynn Jamieson.

Sociology in the archives: invitation to an expert consultation, 19 October 2017, The British Library, London, UK. Rosalind Edwards and Susie Weller.

Creative methods in longitudinal research with young people, 28 June 2017, Creative Research Methods Symposium, University of Oxford, UK. Susie Weller.

How feasible is it to conduct secondary data analysis across existing data from several qualitative longitudinal studies? 27 April 2017, NCRM Advisory Group, London, UK. Rosalind Edwards.

What of the researcher in the regulation of data archiving and sharing? A view from the UK, 23-24 March 2017, Re-visioning the regulation of data sharing in the social sciences, Linköping University, Sweden. Susie Weller.

A layered archaeological approach to analysis across multiple sets of qualitative longitudinal data, 18 October 2016, NCRM Research Methods Seminar, Foundling Museum, London, UK. Emma Davidson and Susie Weller (presented by Emma Davidson).

Case Histories in qualitative longitudinal research, 6-7 October 2016, University of Sussex, UK. Susie Weller and Emma Davidson

Scaling up qualitative longitudinal data: lessons from a feasibility study looking at care and intimacy, 5 September 2016, Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, University of Edinburgh, UK. Emma Davidson.

Working across multiple qualitative longitudinal studies: lessons from a feasibility study looking at care and intimacy, 5 July 2016, 7th ESRC Research Methods Festival, University of Bath, UK. Emma Davidson and Susie Weller.

Big qualidata: Tackling analysis of very large volumes of qualitative data in social science research, 9 May 2016, University of Edinburgh, Manchester and Southampton (webinar). Chaired by Lynn Jamieson with guest presenters Professor Ken Benoit (LSE), Dr Elena Zaitseva (Liverpool John Moores University) and Professor Wendy Olsen (Manchester University).

Thinking collaboratively over time: collaboration in, and across, QL research practice, 3-5 May 2016, 15th Annual Qualitative Methods Conference, International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, Glasgow University. UK. Susie Weller and Emma Davidson.

Synchronic and diachronic scaling up in qualitative longitudinal data analysis, 6 July 2015, NCRM Annual Meeting, University of Edinburgh, UK. Emma Davidson

Digital communication technologies: Some potentials and pitfalls for qualitative longitudinal research, 8 June 2015, Qualitative Longitudinal Research – an advanced workshop, University of Leeds, UK. Susie Weller.

Training events

Working with large amounts of secondary or primary qualitative data: Breadth-and-Depth Method, advanced training course, 1-3 December 2020, National Centre for Research Methods (online course), Emma Davidson, Rosalind Edwards, Lynn Jamieson and Susie Weller.

Working with large amounts of secondary qualitative data: expanding your analytic skill set, advanced training course, 27 February 2020, Maynooth University, Ireland. Emma Davidson, Rosalind Edwards, Lynn Jamieson and Susie Weller.

Teaching yourself and others ‘breadth-and-depth’ method for analysing large volumes of secondary qualitative data: Big qual methods, 29 October 2018, NCRM training course, University of Edinburgh, UK. Lynn Jamieson.

Teaching how to analyse large volumes of secondary qualitative data: Pedagogy for Big Qual Methods, 8 October 2018, NCRM training course, NCVO, London, UK. Rosalind Edwards, Lynn Jamieson, Sarah Lewthwaite, Melanie Nind, Susie Weller.

Strategies for working with combined qualitative longitudinal data sets, 4 July 2018, ESRC Research Methods Festival, University of Bath, UK. Emma Davidson, Rosalind Edwards, Kahryn Hughes, Lynn Jamieson, Anna Tarrant, Susie Weller.

Big qual analysis: Innovation in method and pedagogy, 4 July 2018, ESRC Research Methods Festival, University of Bath, UK. Rosalind Edwards, Lynn Jamieson, Sarah Lewthwaite, Melanie Nind, Susie Weller.

How to bring together multiple qualitative datasets: Expanding your analytic comfort zone, 2 May 2018, NCRM training course, University of Edinburgh, UK. Susie Weller, Emma Davidson, Rosalind Edwards and Lynn Jamieson.

Qualitative longitudinal research and secondary data, 20 February 2017, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. Emma Davidson.

Qualitative longitudinal research and secondary data, 22 February 2016, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, UK. Emma Davidson.